
54 pages 1 hour read

Kate Elizabeth Russell

My Dark Vanessa

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Character Analysis

Vanessa Wye

Vanessa, the protagonist and narrator of the novel, is 15 years old when she meets Jacob Strane, her English teacher. The reader gets to know the young Vanessa through a series of flashbacks to her high school and college years, which alternate in between brief chapters that offer a glimpse of Vanessa as a 30-year-old. By the end of the novel, she can face her past and begin healing from the abuse she sustained.

At 15, Vanessa is intelligent, thoughtful, and insecure, and her status as a loner sets her visibly apart from her boarding school classmates at Browick. She is a talented writer who yearns to experience life and to forge deep connections with others, yet her peers find her intensity overwhelming. Alienated and lonely, Vanessa attracts the attention of her English teacher, Jacob Strane, who claims to appreciate the specific qualities in Vanessa that she experiences as social shortcomings. Because Vanessa is a student at a boarding school, she lacks the vigilant care of a parent, which contributes to her vulnerability to Strane’s attentions. Though her dorm parent and academic advisor try to keep an eye on her and help her with her disorganized approach to her studies, their concern is somewhat superficial. Vanessa evades the attention that could have mitigated the psychological and emotional damage she sustains because of Strane’s abuse.

Throughout her twenties, Vanessa and Strane stay in touch, and she holds on to her belief that their relationship is one based on love and a mutual compatibility. Yet at 30, Vanessa depends on drugs and alcohol to function, though she chooses to minimize these realities and to deny the idea that Strane is an abuser. She works in a luxury hotel in Portland, Maine, unable to realize her potential as a writer. Vanessa takes risks with her safety and health, evidencing her damaged mental and emotional health when she seeks out older men who take advantage of her sexually, often while drunk or high. Though the 30-year-old Vanessa sees a therapist, she is unable to confront her experiences with Strane as anything but a kind of dark love affair, until he commits suicide while under investigation for sexual abuse. By the end of the novel, however, Vanessa can start existing for herself and to experience herself as a person capable of a new life, separate from the “dark Vanessa” of the novel’s title.

Jacob Strane

Jacob Strane is Vanessa’s English teacher, and his Honors American Literature class is the backdrop against which their relationship develops. His characterization throughout the novel takes place through Vanessa’s eyes, and the reader can trace their entire relationship from the beginning to the end. When Vanessa first meets Strane, she notices his large size and his charismatic presence in the classroom. Strane, a Harvard graduate, is well-respected by his colleagues, which allows Vanessa to assume he is trustworthy. Strane also identifies himself as a lover of literature, a loner, and an outsider, characteristics that appeal to Vanessa for her own identification with such descriptors.

Strane’s character exists in a liminal zone between static and dynamic, and this choice on the part of the author of the novel emphasizes the complex nature of his relationship with Vanessa and her inability to experience him as an abuser. Strane both stays the same and changes as Vanessa grows older; his eventual decision to take his own life rather than sustain the humiliation of exposure as a sex offender is perhaps the biggest change in his character. Strane evades simple characterization, which enables the reader to appreciate Vanessa’s confusion as well as her inability to experience Strane as entirely abusive or entirely loving.

Strane’s attraction to Vanessa both wanes and maintains throughout the novel. At Browick, Strane’s attachment to Vanessa appears to weaken when he realizes that their relationship is garnering attention from other students and faculty. The fact that he allows the school to expel Vanessa reflects his ruthlessness, but the continuation of the relationship when she is 18 at college reflects a needy attachment to her. As Vanessa continues to mature and grow into a woman, however, Strane loses sexual interest in her, preferring to remember her as the young teenager that he desired so passionately.

Jenny Murphy

Jenny Murphy is Vanessa’s former roommate and best friend from ninth grade. At the start of the novel, Jenny and Vanessa are both sophomores, and they live in the same dorm, but they are not on speaking terms; months earlier, at the end of their freshman year at Browick, their friendship was unable to survive a dramatic conflict. Vanessa’s grief over the loss of her friendship with Jenny subsides as she grows closer to Strane; eventually, Vanessa feels nothing at all for Jenny, which indicates the strength of Strane’s power over Vanessa’s emotional life. Thanks to Jenny, who knows Vanessa well despite their estrangement, the relationship between Vanessa and Strane becomes public knowledge.

Jenny functions as a foil to Vanessa. Unlike her, Jenny enjoys a close relationship with her parents, and she carries herself in a secure and confident manner. Jenny is in an age-appropriate relationship with her boyfriend, Tom, who is also the same Honors American Literature class as Vanessa and Jenny. The presence of Jenny and Tom in Strane’s English class emphasizes to the reader the unmistakable inappropriateness of Vanessa and Strane’s relationship. 

Taylor Birch

Taylor Birch is a young woman who comes forward at the start of the novel to expose Strane as a sexual predator. She is younger than Vanessa, and, like Vanessa, Taylor first meets Strane in his English class at Browick. Vanessa and Taylor share vulnerable qualities that attract Strane and emphasize his characterization as a sexual predator. The differences between Taylor and Vanessa, however, enable Vanessa to maintain a sense of superiority over Taylor, who never had a sexual relationship with Strane. The relative chasteness of Strane’s attentions to Taylor give Vanessa a false sense of confidence that her relationship with Strane was singular.

Taylor Birch is a minor character in the novel, but she represents an important group of young women in American society today: abuse victims who come forward to confront their attackers. Taylor’s most important characteristic is her courage and her willingness to face the reality of Strane’s abuse. Vanessa’s obsessive interest in Taylor reveals the parts of Vanessa that are not yet ready to do what Taylor has done by accusing Strane of sexual abuse, but at the end of the novel, Taylor and Vanessa have a conversation that provides some closure.

Mrs. Wye

Mrs. Wye loves her daughter, but she is unable to communicate her love and concern successfully. For example, Vanessa is annoyed when her mother shows affection by smelling her and putting her feet on her when they watch television together on the couch. These gestures, along with Mrs. Wye’s inability to control her own impatience and frustration, alienate Vanessa and leave her feeling emotionally isolated. Strane can detect this isolation in Vanessa and give her the validation she needs while taking advantage of her emotional and psychological vulnerability.

Mrs. Wye, Vanessa’s mother, drives Vanessa back and forth to Browick, engaging in awkward conversations and inadvertently pushing Vanessa away. The conversations between mother and daughter as well as exchanges that take place in the Wye family home reveal tension in their relationship. For example, Vanessa’s mother shows love by nagging Vanessa about her social life at Browick, speaking to her harshly in some moments and displaying a damaging unawareness of her daughter’s sensitivity. Years later, after Vanessa’s father dies, Mrs. Wye talks openly with her daughter about letting her down; despite this dynamic quality in Mrs. Wye’s character, the damage she inflicts on Vanessa is multi-faceted.

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