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Tara June WinchA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Poppy begins with guradyi, gudyi, guraadyi—medicine man, priest, conjurer. He says that his people’s practices were lost and that the only decent white priest he has heard of is Greenleaf. He learned some of the lost practices of the priests having to do with plants from his ancestors. He talks about his people losing their culture due to the Christian missionaries and schools and about how hard times have hit Massacre Plains. He recounts a folktale he learned from his ancestors of forbidden and tragic love and the story of the time he and Elsie hit a koala while driving. He talks about the mine and wonders if the reason he and the other Indigenous people of the land still upset white men so much is because they didn’t all die out when the white men believed they were supposed to.
August attends the funeral for Poppy. After Elsie throws Poppy’s ashes on the bonfire, the world seems to stop. A brolga, one of the birds Poppy has talked about in his dictionary, appears. August feels that she recognizes Jedda in the bird. She sees their old beds and their recorded messages for Princess Diana. August wonders why she is seeing this, thinking that she went to England and stopped eating for Jedda’s memory, trying to fulfill their childhood dreams and stay a little girl forever. She remembers that though she tries to return to childhood, childhood did not protect them, and she thinks about the sexual abuse she and Jedda suffered at the hands of their Uncle Jimmy Corvette. August remembers him babysitting and showing her and Jedda porn and Jedda protecting her from him. The brolga and its companions, who have arrived in the interval, fly away. August breaks down in tears.
Greenleaf writes of life at the mission continuing peacefully. He also tells of Indigenous men being tricked into signing work contracts and then being arrested when they ran away. In the seventh year of the mission, men from the town broke down the fences and set fire to the mission men’s quarters. They knocked Greenleaf unconscious and kidnapped two women, shooting and whipping a man who tried to stop them. Upon waking, Greenleaf found that it was his friend, Wowhely, who was shot and dying. They buried him the next day.
Poppy talks about camping with the girls and about one of his ancestors teaching him how to light a fire in a hollow tree to catch a possum. He says he planned to murder a man once, after Jedda’s disappearance. He tells a story of driving sheep as a young man and coming across a beautiful pack of wild horses.
August weeps in the attic until night falls. She and Eddie get drunk, and the funeral continues. August stays in the attic for the next few days. Looking through the attic for the dictionary, August finds her and Jedda’s old toys instead. She remembers her childhood through the toys, finding a gift from her mother, dolls she and Jedda won as a prize, and their tape for Princess Diana. August goes downstairs and finds Elsie is out. She takes a bicycle to go into town, coming upon Eddie. He tells her the mining company is getting ready to strip everything off the land.
At the library, the librarian greets her happily, asking if she’s related to Albert Gondiwindi and if she can tell him to return his books by the end of the week. August can’t bring herself to tell her he is dead. August looks at Poppy’s overdue booklist, finding over 40 books on Australia. She cycles home to look through them. August sorts the books into piles, realizing that Poppy was trying to save the farm. She tells Eddie this when he comes by. Elsie returns, saying she was looking at homes. August asks about her childhood tape recorder, which she has been seeing everywhere since the funeral, and Elsie says Poppy was using it to record his book. The brolga returns.
Greenleaf continues his letter. In the wake of the attack, he was further disgusted by white men’s actions toward the Indigenous people of Australia. He recounts various stories of the horrific treatment of Indigenous people at the hands of white men he has seen and how the government never did anything. The mission received a visit from the Aborigines Protection Board in 1892, and they offered Greenleaf and the mission a permanent income in exchange for providing the Chicago World’s Fair with display pieces, which they accepted. Greenleaf, after presenting at the fair, felt hopeful for the future. However, in 1909, a declaration was sent from the government that the mission had to hand over all residents who were not “full-blooded” to be put to work, to Greenleaf’s anger.
Poppy begins this dictionary entry by talking about his ancestors showing him the houses they used to have and discussing the land, who controls it, and its produce. He talks about how he doesn’t think jail is a solution that makes sense and says how his biggest regret is having failed his granddaughter. Poppy talks about the water of the river, how to fish, and how to make flour. He says that his ancestors told him knowledge that couldn’t be shared with the wrong person.
As August helps to pack up the house, she searches for Poppy’s manuscript, with no luck. She goes over to visit with Eddie, and they talk about their childhoods. They talk about Eddie’s dad leaving and August’s mom being in jail. They begin to kiss and start to have sex. Before they can progress very far, August stops them, wanting to get drunk before they continue. She begins to remember fighting with Jedda and tells Eddie to stop. He asks her what she wants, and she says she doesn’t want to leave Prosperous and that she is worried Jedda will come home and not find anyone there. Eddie is upset, but August says that she is nothing without Prosperous and she needs to know that she can come back. Eddie gets angry, yelling that the mission was a slave yard and that the only reason August’s family could stay was because his family let them. He shows her receipts from his father selling Indigenous cultural artifacts to a museum, and August runs out.
Poppy discusses time and the last weeks of his life spent at Prosperous. He writes that after Jedda’s disappearance, he took the spear he made and drove to the place Jimmy lived. He forced him out of the house at spearpoint and had him drive out into the night. When he asked him where Jedda was, Jimmy denied doing anything but hid his face, and Poppy knew he was guilty. Jimmy ran off into the night, and Poppy hit him with his spear. Jimmy continued to run and got away.
Greenleaf writes of how he was recently brought into the police station for questioning on his family background and of the rise of Australian nationalism in recent years. Greenleaf tells of the recent kidnapping of Indigenous children from the mission by the Australian government and says that taking the children from their families and putting them into homes to be trained as servants is a form of slavery. He recounts his trip to the police station and how the people of the town told him that they finally had an excuse to get rid of him. He was told that unless he surrendered the children, he would be placed in an internment camp. He agreed. Greenleaf writes that he has made himself an enemy to two sets of people, as the Indigenous members of the mission turned away from him.
Poppy writes of how the Gondiwindi make grave sites and care for their dead. He writes about how one Christmas, he found Jimmy Corvette trying to sneak into the girls’ room and kicked him out. He says that Jimmy turned up at the hospital with the spear in his leg but that he never said who did it. His leg became infected, and he began to die, but he still wouldn’t tell Poppy what had happened to Jedda. All he would say was that she was in the water. Poppy spat into his wound and said that if he didn’t tell him where Jedda was, he would torture him once he was out of the hospital. Jimmy died that night. Poppy regrets never finding Jedda and says he just wants to make sure she’s warm.
The impact of grief on August reaches its climax in these chapters, with her breakdown at the funeral and justified anger at Eddie. Her heartbreak over Jedda is truly making itself known, as she thinks “[t]hat in the face of loss, only losing oneself seems like an answer” (145). The grief of losing Poppy, the remembrances of Jedda, the fear of losing Prosperous, and the guilt at coming home finally overwhelm her. This is not a destructive process, however, opening a new aspect to the theme of How Grief Impacts People. Her emotional climax allows for her to begin to process some of her emotions, helping her begin the process of healing. Her increasing interest in and desire to find Poppy’s dictionary is able to grow because she is open again to feeling, existing, and connecting to the world around her.
Differences between how settlers and Indigenous people think about the land become stark in this section. The failures of the colonial machine are emphasized, and as the Gondiwindis mourn the loss of their heritage and family, the white settlers mourn the loss of their power. Greenleaf’s letter is filled with the shock of someone first experiencing others’ hatred for their identity. As he has detailed, the governmental bodies meant to protect and provide for the Aboriginal population at best offer tenuous and easily revoked security. The lines of identity have been redrawn with the onset of WWI, and he has been left outside of them, as a person of German heritage. The town becomes even bolder in their harassment of the mission, and Greenleaf’s own stand against the racist exploitation of the Indigenous people falters as he caves into pressure to allow the Australian government to put children in residential schools. Though Greenleaf claims that he “lost [his] naivety a long time ago” (148), his surprise at the behavior of the settlers implies that this is not strictly true.
Greenleaf’s loss of status and resultant betrayal of his values with regard to the Indigenous inhabitants of the mission is similar to the change in Eddie when August begins to debate the mine issue with him. Although he is friends with August and loved Poppy, he will still claim superiority when he feels threatened. He throws August’s family’s sufferings in her face when she tries to explain the importance of the land, revealing his own family’s complicity in stealing their culture from them. That they sold the artifacts due to their own economic downturn shows the Falstaffs’ willingness to do morally wrong to maintain their status. Although Eddie believes he cares for the Gondiwindis, he does not extend himself so far as to try and empathize with their emotions and experiences.
In contrast to Greenleaf and Eddie’s sense of white superiority and their desire to maintain the power they have as settlers, the legitimate and inherited connection the Gondiwindis have to their land is also made a focus of this section. Poppy’s love of the land is emphasized, and he returns to it as his ashes are spread during his funeral. The description of his funeral comes amid many of his dictionary entries discussing the Gondiwindi family’s ancient history of living in the region and the houses that his ancestors showed him they used to live in there, highlighting the importance of Memory and Time to the Gondiwindi’s identity and local connection. Jedda’s resurrection and return as a brolga similarly shows the depth of the connection, with her continued existence tied to the native landscape. This is further significant as Poppy discusses brolgas in his dictionary, connecting them to the balance of the landscape. Her return as a brolga further legitimizes not only the record Poppy has made but also the grief August feels over the loss of the house and the land. As she tells Eddie, “I don’t know who I am without this place” (164). This new realization of how deep her connection runs helps push August out of her grief and into meaningful action.